Baseball Betting Tactics #2

The beginning of this post – Baseball Betting System #1

When I lavished praise (in the previous article) upon the advantages of the baseball stakes and hockey stakes, I deliberately forgot to mention about the great value of betting on the underdogs moneylines. I have waited till now, knowing that this chapter deals only with this theme.

I had never understood the power of underdogs until I met Andrew in Las Vegas. He is a professional player, but he “works” only six months per year, during the baseball season. Andrew live – and live well – on the money, which he earns during the season. He receives the profit, at the average, in amount of 20 000$ per month.

Quite well, he doesn’t even work, as it is pretty difficult for him, he just earns his money during a baseball season. All these things take him about 15 minutes in the mornings, in order to choose his bets during the day, before he goes to play golf or spend some time at home with his wife and children till the noon.

As soon as I saw this way of money making, and recognized how easy he did it, I told Andrew that I had to acquaint myself with his method. At first he refused, like a granny who doesn’t want to tell anybody the recipe of her pie. But as the most people who have a great secret, he finally revealed it.

He appeared to bet only on baseball and only on underdogs.

And as I said, to decide what team this day to stake on, he needs less time than to walk from the first hole to the second one on a golf field. Much less time, in fact, as Andrew is not a good golf player :).

Now I am going to tell you his secret, which I have modified a little to maximize the gain. I call it, “The Baseball Underdog System”.