4 Factors For Your Baseball Betting Strategy #4

The whole topic about baseball betting was started here

bets on total of baseball matches #1
matches totals in baseball betting #2

The first factor was described earlier – how to win in baseball betting #3

The readiness of bullpen: the most bettors do not evaluate this factor when they make a stake, but I always consider it. Here is an example. In 2003, Astros had Octavio Dotela and Billy Wagnera – very good closers. When they were good rested, I always consider Houston to be a favorite. But if they have made much work (many pitches) for two last games, I will not stake on Houston, knowing that Astros can pass some runs in the further innings.

ERA statistics: previously in the article “The Baseball Underdog System”, I fully explained an easy way of excluding of doubtful outsiders. The essence of this method is that if they play against the pitcher, who is in the Top 20 by NPERA (or “normalized predicted earned-run average”). Whether you believe it or not, but you can also find some “opposite” games per week, in which the pitcher of a lost team is in the Top 20.

2. Series: having such a long season, Baseball often becomes the game of series.

So to be sure, check the statistical column “L-10” in the team ratings, which is referred to the 10 last games of the team. Remember that the key criterion of “The Baseball Underdog System” is the series, that contains neither more than three underdog losses, nor more than three victories of the favorites. Additionally try to find a favorite, whose percent of wins is .600 or higher. Such teams have a short series of losses.

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